RHA Schedule 

Main event: Nightly 7 pm
160 union ave memphis tn 28013

RHA VIP Dinner 
May 17th, 6 pm, check-in 
2633 Altruria Rd, Bartlett, TN 38134
Training and Equipping 
May 18th - 20th, 10 - 11:30 am
160 Union Ave Memphis TN 18013

Street Power Evangelism
 May 18th - 20th, 12 - 4 pm
Beale St. Downtown Memphis



    As I prepared to encourage people in a new season of harvest for America I kept seeing, in my spirit, an awakening angel assigned to awaken a new season of harvest time and revival in America.

This angel was dressed in old garments, as in patriotic times. What came to mind was the beginning of the first thirteen colonies and the birth of America's independence and the first great Awakening. This angel was red, white and blue with a large sickle in his hand.  I believe we are in a new season where we will learn to partner with the angels that gather.

"The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. (Matt 13:39)


In recent months this phrase has been burned into my spirit. "Open your eyes and LOOK at the fields!        
     We need a vision of the harvest and we need to lift up our eyes and see the fields are already white and many are ready to be harvested even in America. We need to turn on our spiritual eye and see the harvest at the end of the age is at hand. Jesus tells his disciples, "open your eyes" (NIV), "look around you" (NRSV), "lift up your eyes" (ESV, KJV).

     So often we are blind to the spiritual state of others, such as their state of readiness to receive Christ. Jesus tells his disciples to become alert to the readiness of the harvest. Remember the word “look”,(theomai) means “to wonder, to behold, view attentively, contemplate, indicating a sense of wondering consideration involving a careful and deliberate vision."


     We have entered the greatest season of harvest in the nations and America. In recent days I have felt a challenge from the Holy Spirit. That what we have been seeing for many years in the nations and some of our greatest crusades and revivals, we could now see in America if we are intentional about the fiery Spirit of evangelism.

     Over the last 17 years of crusade ministry, in 73 countries, we've had over 2 million decisions for Christ. The question the Lord asked me is "Could we see one million souls saved now in America?"

I know that the Holy Spirit is speaking to me, that there is a fresh anointing upon the church for the harvest and not just in the nations but for those that would go after souls in America.

     He is spreading a large net. Heaven is about to release a new wine skin to reach a new generation of millennials. We need the new wine of the Holy Spirit but before it can be poured out we need to have the wine skin that will be necessary to contain the wine and reach a generation differently than we have in recent years.

Jesus said it best in Johns gospel, "Say not you, There are yet four mouths, and then comes harvest? behold, I say to you, LIFT UP YOUR EYES , and LOOK on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."


     The disciples were standing in the midst of a great harvest, whose stalks were brushing up against their shoulders, yet they couldn’t discern it was at hand! Could this be us?  "Lord open the eyes of our heart to see the fields." There’s an urgency to the harvest. The season is swift and you don’t want to miss it.

     Jesus spoke these words to His disciples after a significant prophetic encounter he had with the woman from Samaria. He’d met her at a well while the disciples were off buying food and busy with errands. When they returned they were surprised to find Jesus talking with a woman, not to mention a Samaritan woman with whom the Jews had little dealings. While the disciples had been busy running errands and buying food, Jesus had revealed Himself to this woman as the Messiah who had come to redeem the Jews and Gentiles alike. Jesus revealed his love and presence to this woman involved in several immoral relationships through the word of knowledge that he was the Christ. She had finally been found by the One who could satisfy the true longings of her heart and who wouldn’t leave her thirsty and empty. The results were city revival.

     "Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, 'He told me everything I ever did.' So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days.  And because of his words many more became believers.  They said to the woman, 'We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.' " (John 4:39-42)


"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:35-38)

     Today our prayers must be like that of Jesus 2000 years ago. God is looking for harvesters and burning ones that will answer the call to take the gospel of the kingdom into all the world. I remember my years being around Bob Jones, he spoke about the Anointing to harvest the harvesters. The Lord is gathering the harvesters and releasing new mantles of Awakening for America and the Nations.


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